
Ending a Program


How to use rpgcode.endProgram

IMPORTANT: Run Time Programs and Threads should never call rpgcode.endProgram, as they are constantly being invoked by the engine!

The function rpgcode.endProgram is probably one of the trickier things about coding in the RPGWizard, it is a necessary evil. In RPGWizard all normally running programs, e.g. activations & board entry, must tell the engine when they have finished. Without this the engine will essentially wait forever, and it is very easy for your program to become stuck if you've forgotten to put it in somewhere.

Basically where ever you want your program to finish up you'll need to put an rpgcode.endProgram, there can be multiple ways out of your program, e.g. a menu system, so you'll have to consider this.

If your program gets stuck because you forgot one then simply open the console and type rpgcode.endProgram() so the engine will continue running again.

Simple (No Callbacks)

In a simple piece of JavaScript code there is no callbacks, the code is easy to follow, each statement is written and executes one after the other.

For cases like this rpgcode.endProgram can be placed simply at the end of your code.

var location = rpgcode.getCharacterLocation();


With Callbacks

Things aren't always that simple with JavaScript and you are typically dealing with code that involves callbacks, this typically involves finding the place in the code where you actually want your program to end.

In the below example we use the rpgcode.moveCharacterTo function that moves the character and then invokes a callback function. Our program shouldn't actually end until the callback has been called so we need to put rpgcode.endProgram inside of the callback for it to work as expected:

rpgcode.log("Moving character...");

// Call moveCharacterTo which uses a callback
rpgcode.moveCharacterTo("Hero", 150, 175, 5000, function() {
  // Program isn't done until this callback is called
  rpgcode.log("character has finished moving");

  rpgcode.endProgram(); // At end of callback

With Async/Await

If you are familiar with async & await then the flow is fairly simple, just call rpgcode.endProgram after you are finished using your await code:

await foo();
