
This is the home of the official RPGWizard user documentation and contains everything you need to get started with RPGWizard.

Navigating the Documentation


If you are a new user see the top right of this page for Tutorials. Here you'll find several tutorials ranging from the absolute basics, to advanced coding topics, and even links to complete example games.


If you are looking for detailed documentation on functions in the RPGCode API, on the left hand side you'll find several "Namespaces" with the different types of functions grouped under each.

Default Systems

If you ae looking for information on how to use the default systems, on the left hand side under the "Classes" section you'll find documentation for each.


Discord Server

Feel free to join our discord server where you can chat with other users, and get direct help from the RPGWizard's dev swordmaster.

YouTube Channel

For additional content, and video documentation on how to use RPGWizard checkout our official YouTube channel which has several playlists on different topics: