



# clearCanvas(canvasIdopt)

Clears an entire canvas and triggers a redraw.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
canvasId string <optional>
renderNowCanvas The canvas to clear.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 445

// Create a simple canvas and write some text on it.
var canvas = "myCanvas";
rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, canvas);
rpgcode.drawText(270, 300, "Hello world!", canvas);

// Clears the canvas after 5 seconds have elapsed.
rpgcode.delay(5000, function(){ 

# createCanvas(width, height, canvasId)

Creates a canvas with the specified width, height, and ID. This canvas will not be drawn until renderNow is called with its ID.
Name Type Description
width number In pixels.
height number In pixels.
canvasId string The ID to be associated with the canvas.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 497

// Create a simple canvas and write some text on it.
var canvas = "myCanvas";
rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, canvas);
rpgcode.drawText(270, 300, "Hello world!", canvas);

# destroyCanvas(canvasId)

Destroys the canvas with the specified ID, removing it from the engine.
Name Type Description
canvasId string The ID for the canvas to destroy.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 556

// Create a simple canvas and write some text on it.
var canvas = "myCanvas";
rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, canvas);
rpgcode.drawText(270, 300, "Hello world!", canvas);

// Destroys the canvas that we just created.

# drawOntoCanvas(sourceId, x, y, width, height, targetId)

Draws the source canvas onto the target canvas. Useful for combining multiple canvases together.
Name Type Description
sourceId string The ID of the source canvas.
x number Position in pixels on the target canvas.
y number Position y in pixels on the target canvas.
width number In pixels.
height number In pixels.
targetId string The ID of the target canvas.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 855

// Canvas IDs.
var buffer = "buffer";
var lifeIcon = "life_icon";

// Assets to load up.
var assets = {
 "images": [

// Load up the assets needed for this example.
rpgcode.loadAssets(assets, function () {
 // Smaller canvas.
 rpgcode.createCanvas(32, 32, lifeIcon);

 // Canvas to draw onto.
 rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, buffer);

 // Set the image on the smaller canvas.
 rpgcode.setImage("life.png", 0, 0, 32, 32, lifeIcon);
 // Draw 3 hearts onto the buffer canvas.
 for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
     rpgcode.drawOntoCanvas(lifeIcon, i * 32, 430, 32, 32, buffer);
 // Show the larger canvas with the smaller hearts on it.

# renderNow(canvasIdopt)

Renders the specified canvas, if none then the "renderNowCanvas" is shown.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
canvasId string <optional>
renderNowCanvas The ID of the canvas to render.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 2602

// Draw a rectangle on the default canvas and render it.
rpgcode.setColor(255, 0, 0, 1.0);
rpgcode.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100);

// Create a canvas and draw a red rectangle on it.
var canvas = "myCanvas";
rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, canvas);
rpgcode.setColor(255, 0, 0, 1.0);
rpgcode.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, canvas);

# setCanvasPosition(x, y, canvasId)

Sets the position of a canvas relative to its parent.
Name Type Description
x number In pixels.
y number In pixels.
canvasId string The ID of the canvas to move.

View Source rpgcode.js, line 2806

// Create a canvas and draw a red rectangle on it.
var canvas = "myCanvas";
rpgcode.createCanvas(640, 480, canvas);
rpgcode.setColor(255, 0, 0, 1.0);
rpgcode.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100, canvas);

// Now move it to a new position relative to its parent.
rpgcode.setCanvasPosition(100, 100, canvas);